

Hentai fans love Hentai-foundry.com because of multiple reasons. It has good design, it collects only the best art, it has Discord, forum, and FAQ. But, several benefits are worth noting too.

  • 1m adult content
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  • Porn banners and other ads

There is an interesting and minimal design of tags: the most frequently used are represented by icons. For example, the scenes with the homosexual message would have two similar gender symbols. You can click on that sign, and the site will show all the LGBT pics to you.

Hentai-foundry.com has a unique function. You can pick the size and rating of the images whole searching! There are a few sites that offer such a tool.

There are a lot of contests that allow the users to win really considerable amounts of money. For example, the latest contest gives the possibility to win $1,500 for the best art. If you are a hentai artist and paint with the enthusiasm and soul, you should participate in all their contests!

This site is great, and all its members believe that it will grow endlessly. If you want to see its expanding all over the Internet - join the community!

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