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How To Have Good Shower Sex: Best Tips For Sex In The Shower

Latest update: May 19, 2022
How To Fuck In The Shower

Up for some sexy time? Try doing it in the shower! Is having sex in the shower really awesome, you ask? Hells to the yes, dude! Once you′ve made some sweet love to your chick in the bathroom, you′ll want more and more of it. Sure, you have to remember some safety rules and feel a wee bit limited in movements or action. But, if you prepare well and do everything right, you′ll end up banging in the shower at least a couple of times a week!

What should you know about shower sex? Key basics

Sex in the shower is another cool way to diversify your sex life and bring some spark back to your relationships. You may not realize it, but shower sex, although sounds uncomfortable at first, is a lot more interesting and simple than described. There′s no best way to have sex in the shower as it all depends on what you like and how you′re used to fucking. But sure, there are some basic rules and tips to follow that will make it much easier and more pleasant than traditional bed sex. Stick to my advice (and then stick it to your girl real good), and you′ll become the shower sex guru!

shower sex

Possible difficulties of making love in the shower

The first unpleasant thing to learn about shower sex is that it′s not 100% safe, in all terms. It spoils the lube and condoms, hence unexpected surprises or a spoiled night. Plus, it may be not quite comfy. You have to get used to those water streams leaking to your fucking eyes every few seconds. But still, you′ll get used to it. One of the main drawbacks of having sex in the shower is that it′s slippery as hell. You might fall and harm both yourself and your partner. But well, some smart people have created some kind of protection, so you′re in good hands.

Best tips for shower sex

How to have sex in the shower and not hurt anyone? How to make it even more pleasant and unforgettable? Heck, I′ve got one hell of a guide for you, so pick your favorite tips and get down there to have some real fun!

Don′t want an unexpected pregnancy? You got it!

Sure, condoms may break or your girl might forget to take the morning after pills. Yet, you still want to have sex in the shower. Why not try entering the backdoor? Sure, anal sex isn′t every girl′s dream. But let′s be honest, everyone wants to fuck and try something new here. Get a nice lube (trust me, even in the shower, it′s important to use a nice waterproof gel to make it all work well). If it′s your first time, make sure your chick is okay with that. Make her some sensual massage, apply some love (and lube), take it slow, and done! Just make your girl calm her tits and trust you with that. You must know what you′re doing there, huh?

sex in the shower

How about oral sex in shower?

One of the best ways to have sex in the shower is oral. You′re both clean and fresh, warm, and horny. Make sure you both have something to lean or sit on for more comfort. As an alternative, use a stick-on mat on the wall so that you′re both in a firm position. And it is on.

Diversify shower sex

Who said toys and roleplays are forbidden in the shower? There′s no sexier look than an Australian surfer looking for some action with a hot instructor. Or, you know, Adam and Eve. bring your toys too! They will work perfectly with a natural water lube and some hot action. Oh, and don′t forget some music and scented candles for the perfect atmosphere and getting a little hornier than usual. What are you still doing on the couch, dude?!

Don′t forget about the safety measures

The best way to have shower sex is to have it safely. Prepare everything you might need to not harm yourselves. Anti-skid mats are your best friends here. Sometimes, even the bathroom walls may be too slippery. If you don′t apply enough pressure, you′ll just fall. These stick-on mats are also a great solution for against-the-wall sex. And yes, make sure you′re not so drunk you can′t stand still! The consequences might be unpleasant (not only right when you got in the bathroom but the morning after too).

sex positions in the shower

Foreplay also works in the shower!

I don′t mean orally pleasing your partner. Hand stuff is clearly one of the best ways to have fun in the shower. Minimum effort and movement, zero risk, maximum passion, and filth. Plus, you may hit the bathroom before or after sex. For example, in case your partner hasn′t felt enough. Or when someone hops into the shower to accompany you, whatever. Millions of ways to semi-bang your partner and remain satisfied after all! Just pick your favorite way and surprise your partners every time.

The kinkiest shower sex positions: the top 5 ideas

Looking for some hot bathtub sex positions? You got this! I picked my favorite ones that would fit anyone and any shower tub size. Grab a pen and get to writing! Maybe you′ll come up with some twisted shower sex ideas too?

Standing doggy-style

One of the best positions for shower sex is this one. It′s easy to perform and not tiring. Moreover, the level of penetration is, as in the usual case, pretty high. Let your girl put her arms against the wall and bend her knees a little so that you could aim at the target well. It′s 100% safe as your partner has two firm obstacles to lean on: you have the skid-free mat and your partner you can hold. Just relax and enjoy the great view with great sensations! You might even use this position for anal sex. If your girl′s up for it, make sure to get a buttload (what up?) of waterproof lube.

best positions for shower sex

The Lotus

One of the cutest sex positions in the shower. Girls will love it! This is a simple sitting position that is extra safe and quite intimate. Just sit on the bathroom floor and let your girl wrap her legs around your waist. Make a lotus pose once she′s done, start making out, and the rest will go just fine. You can sit against the wall or in the middle of the shower tub—it′s comfy and safe either way. Let some foam in to have sex surrounded by the nice smell and soft "clouds". It′s also a fun way to play with your partner and make yourself more comfortable with an unusual sex scene.

The hanging garden

Pretty much like the Lotus. But here, you′re standing, and your partner wraps herself around your back and waist. You hold her up and have some passionate makeout before handling her business. Make sure your girl′s comfortable, and you′re standing firmly so that neither of you falls down accidentally. Shit happens, bro!

Woman on Top

Sit on the floor or the shower room bench (if you have one) and stretch your legs. Let your partner go bananas all over you—in any "woman on top" position she can think of. She may sit face-to-face or against you and make any sort of movements she′s up for. Just go with it and enjoy the ride!

ways to have sex in the shower

Up for some hot dirty games?

Shower sex is a perfect solution for those who want to explore more and get closer to their partners. Sure, this might seem exhausting and difficult at first. But with due preparations and the right mood, sex in the shower is one of the best things you could do if you′re bored as hell at home. Hop in the shower to your partner next time and show her some action! She′ll love the move. I mean, who won′t?

Tips for Him
For Reading
Tips for Her
Elaine Chao

Elaine Chao is a senior writer for HookupGuru, covering the intersection of casual sex tips and tricks, intimacy, relationships and hookup dating. When it comes to finding an expert on casual sex, you can't come much closer than Elaine Chao.

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