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How To Make Her Squirt: Hidden Secrets Of Female Squirting

Latest update: Nov 16, 2021
How To Make Her Squirt

Most of us, mortals, don't give a damn about what female squirting is and how you come to this in the first place. It's a phenomenon you've definitely seen in porn (where else would it be?), but some guys have eventually made vaginal squirting happen to their girlfriends. It's believed that if a babe squirts, you did everything right and the highest of thresholds was achieved.

But is it that easy? How to make a woman have a squirting orgasm if you don't even know what it is? Don't start peeing your pants right away (what up)! I prepared a detailed guide and tips on getting a woman to squirt. Time to squeeze some pussy juice out of your girl, huh?

Key basics of a women squirt

Before you get to handle your partner's business, it's important to define and understand not only how to make a girl squirt but also what exactly it is. You should differentiate it from female ejaculate, urine, and any other liquids that come from your babe's body. You can't know how to make a woman squirt without a bit of a theory. No reason to waste any more time, so let's get to your studies!

How to make a woman squirt

Defining squirting orgasms

Basically, it's just a process of releasing liquid out of a girl's vagina. It's usually confused with urine while it's not. This is a mixture of urea, uric acid, and creatinine, while urine contains phosphatase and fructose. A squirting liquid is usually transparent, water-like, and doesn't have any pungent smell, unlike urine. It's released from the bottom end of the urethra.

Many people call it reaching a G-spot, while usually, the area that you stimulate to get a woman squirt contains it all: a urethral sponge, this well-known G-spot, and Skene's gland, which is practically responsible for releasing a liquid out of your chick's body.

The most interesting part is that it feels both weird and cool at the same time. Sometimes she may even experience some pain, but it goes away instantly. Some chicks describe it as being paralyzed down there, some compare it to a very powerful orgasm. As you see, it's all individual, and you can date a girl who squirts and feels absolutely perfect, but your ex may, for example, get some painful feelings when it all comes to an end.

One common thing for all these cases is that after all, your girl gets super-exhausted and literally looks a bit squeezed. And that's the whole point of making a chick pop, right? Bring in some champagne, we spilled ours all over!

Are all girls able of squirting during sex?

There are various tips on how to make a woman have a squirting orgasm, lots of porn videos, articles, and tools. Not all girls can squirt, or they maybe just haven't reached or tried reaching their G-spots yet. It requires a lot of practice, so even if your babe thinks she can't do it, she hasn't tried it with you, right? Some chicks don't even need too much effort to start popping like a champagne bottle, while some need time to relax, release the tension, and go for it slowly but confidently.

How To Make Her Squirt

Is there any difference between female squirting and ejaculation?

Actually, there is. Female ejaculate usually comes in way smaller portions and of different consistency. Plus, sometimes you can't even see a female ejaculate, and it's fine. Squirting, however, comes out in way larger amounts, and a girl can even soak the whole bed with it. Both these liquids are different by look. Ejaculate is sticky, a bit thick, and of milky color, while a pussy squirt is simply transparent and looks like plain water.

Key tips on making her squirt

Is there the best way to make a woman squirt? No. It's all strictly individual and requires some attempts anyway. If you want to master squirting during sex, follow these useful tips and keep trying! Nothing happens just at once, so get ready for a wet ride.


This is probably the main rule for everything related to sex. In fact, it's just the most effective advice. Help her release all the tension from her muscles and free her mind. Sure, squirting might feel like you just want to pee, but it's a natural thing to be, so you should do your best to make your chick 100% calm and stop thinking about anything. I mean, come on, you agreed to make your bed all wet, why would she worry about that in the first place? Calm her tits and get back to the business.

getting a woman to squirt

Set the right mood

Your chick relaxed and ready to go for it? Good. Time to prepare everything for some mind-blowing show. Think of a perfect location where to perform a squirting orgasm. This can be your bed with a waterproof blanket, a bath, or you can even get alone in your home's backyard, arrange a little oasis, and dress up as naked people to fully enjoy the moment. You could even use some music if you want!

Since it's quite a rare occasion and your girl is like a leading actor here, ask what she wants, where she wants to do it, and whether you can do something else to make her 100% comfy. If she's laid back enough, you're a lucky guy!

And yeah, don't forget about the toys and lube. Even if you're going to do it in a bathtub, it's better to have a nice, thick lube next to you. Water doesn't work for everyone, so better be prepared for everything. The toys can stimulate your girl at first. Use all your skills and knowledge to make that pussy pop!

Use your hands

You've probably seen a lot of porn videos when a guy is just using his hands to bring the chick to cloud nine. Well, most guys really do just that! It's more convenient and comfortable as you both can pick a suitable location, position, and you don't have to think too much about how and where to do it. Whenever you get alone, you can try various masturbating techniques, try to reach pussy squirting using your mouth (oh, this is gonna be a hell of a shower!) or fingers. This will not only help you get to know your girl's body but also give you some more expertise in foreplay, which is also quite useful considering she'll reach an orgasm.

Some positions might help

One of the most popular positions for squirting sex is, obviously, doggy style. It's helping as your dick constantly rubs against your girl's front vaginal wall, hence approaching the necessary angle and the well-known G-spot. I won't tell you how to do a doggy style—I mean, who hasn't tried it already? Get your babe on all fours and have fun!

squirting orgasms

Experiment with toys

What can assist you in reaching the desired spot better than a big black dildo? Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be black, but I couldn't skip the joke. Get enough lube, pick a "tool" with the most suitable features, or just get a fun little toy that will surely bring your girl to the peak of pleasure. These can be small vibrators you won't even feel during sex or a full-capacity orgasm machine that will turn on even the biggest prude on earth. You can help your chick pick the right angle, control the force and frequency, and note to yourself what's the best way to penetrate her to get what you want.

Trying to squirt solo

Yeah, girls do that when they want to understand the essence of such a type of pleasure. This may not be the best way to make a woman squirt, but giving it a try is worth it. At least, this will give your babe a better understanding of what a squirting orgasm is and define the most effective ways to achieve it. Don't get sad—if she's done it alone, she'll do it with you too! Just follow her lead and make magic happen!

Don't worry if nothing happened

This is the real case when your chick can say, "it's not you, it's me." As I said, not everyone can squirt, and maybe your girl is just one of them. No reason to give up trying and to the regular missionary positions and doggy-style variations. There's plenty of stuff to do with her and lots of ways to stuff her really well. Whenever you get a chance, try squirting once again and, if nothing happens after a while, just stick to your usual activities.

squirting during sex

But hey, now you know a bit more about your chick's vagina, it's a whole new place to discover! With all the knowledge and skills you have now, you can do almost everything at ease.

Time to get a bit soaked up!

Making a woman squirt may seem like a tough task that not even every woman can complete. However, it's an important and educating experience for both of you. A chick you're banging can discover her body and understand it better now, and you'll learn how to make her squirt and what buttons to press. Once you reach the Empire state building, you both would probably want to repeat it all the time. But come on, cut your babe some slack—you don't want her to lie all exhausted every time you get laid!

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Elaine Chao

Elaine Chao is a senior writer for HookupGuru, covering the intersection of casual sex tips and tricks, intimacy, relationships and hookup dating. When it comes to finding an expert on casual sex, you can't come much closer than Elaine Chao.

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