We all know that if you would like to look up some porn, you might go somewhere else than the popular search engine. Google is good for some boring stuff. But when it comes to finding the smut, you better seek some more reliable search engine.

I bet you had some hard time finding this site on the Web! I'll tell you a secret: Google is afraid of anyone including the feminist bitches. Right now, it isn't getting better! So bro, if you still use Google for seeking smut without the VPN, it’s time for you to stop! Take care about your safety, please!
Sometimes it feels like the government is forcing them to ban everything related to nudity. Really, you cannot even find an exposed tit or a pussy there. If you want to get away from this dreary world and go to the fun side, join the Hookup Guru squad! Use the search engines designed especially to seek porn!
No one can stop the dirty dog like you from getting some dick treatment! If you need to find some smut, use the search engines from my list, and find whatever makes you hard there! It's much more fun than seeking some porn in the network that will censor it.
What is the best porn search engine, Hookup Guru?
I bet you aren't expecting Google there! And you're goddamn right! I'm more into niche websites. They'll never censor anything I want to find. And you too can expose your desires to these search engines that will never hide anything from you. Below, I'll tell you a little bit more about the top-three in my list.
PornMD is my absolute number one there. It has all the advantages of Google, but no censorship and tracking. There are a lot of filters that will help you to find exactly what you need, even if you don’t know this yourself.
NudeVista is a minimalistic search engine. It offers you to take a look at the best porn. There you can find naughty videos and enjoy live sex! Also, you can see the explicit content with your favorite porn stars! You'll never be bored with the diversity of content offered by NudeVista!
NameThatPorn is a search engine with the attractive front page and convenient filters. From the very first seconds you come there, you find yourself in the pool of tits and pussies! You may even forget what you wanted to find there. It’s like YouTube or Tumblr, but with 100% explicit content!

Is it OK that I spend more time on these porn search engines?
Yes, dude, especially if you have just discovered the porn search engines! During the first month of usage, it’s totally OK to browse some smut every free second you have. If you feel like things kind of get out of your control, it’s best to stop for some time. You know, with porn, it's the same situation as with any other pleasant things in life.
Like, if you enjoy eating junk food, gambling, drinking, or smoking, you might know this idea. The pleasure never comes without any consequences. If you aren't controlling your habit, you risk becoming an addicted person. But if you can control yourself and spend on the smut sites no more than one hour daily, you are OK, bro!
But if the porn search engines create a severe problem with your work or the social life, it’s time to think about a break! And if you have experienced troubles living without the smut, it’s best to contact a therapist! I'm not the one who will tell you which is the name of a shrink, but I bet you have a couple of contacts in your iPhone list!
What kind of porn can I find using those search engines?
Anything you like, from the creampie compilations to some hardcore orgies. If you want to find some specific porn, it’s best to figure out how the filter systems work over there. Each of the smut search engines has its secrets to reveal. You can see some tips and tricks about each of them in my reviews.
I've written some short articles about every porn search engine from my list. That's done to ease the process of seeking the smut for you! You'll have no trouble with that, I guarantee this! I'm the Hookup Guru, and I want to share all my experience in banging chicks with you! So, go and seek some porn that will match your taste.
Bottom line from Hookup Guru
I've made this list for you to find your favorite porn with ease. Right now, the world is going crazy! If ten years go you could find whatever the smut you want to see, right now it’s not gonna work like this anymore. More of the porn categories appeared, but it became much harder to find them.
But don’t you worry because your bro, Hookup Guru is here. I'll never leave you without a good load of dirty smut. With me, you can be calm because I'm interested in porn as much as you're. I prefer someone else to wank my dick in the massage salons, but still, I love to see some smut after the hard day.
By the way, if you're tired of seeking the porn on your own, feel free to browse other categories of my site. There you'll see almost every type of smut you can ever imagine. By the way, if you know about the new one that is not yet on my site, please inform me. Remember I'm not posting illegal shit like animal porn.