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3 Sex Apps Women Use To Hookup

Latest update: Apr 25, 2019
sex apps for women

Swipe left, swipe right, chat and hookup. It’s a very simple scheme and women, as well as men, of course, use it to brighten their evenings. If you always wanted to meet the hottest girls in your town, then you should definitely know what apps ladies use to hookup.

Here we will finally reveal their top-secret - three most used and desirable sex apps that women turn to when they look for casual relationships.

But at first let’s look at what apps for hookup are, at least.

Hookup apps: what for and how to use?

Most likely you’ve heard about Tinder. It is one of the most popular apps on all smartphones for casual relationships and sex for one night. However, it is not the only one that women use. Moreover, the choice of sex app is so huge that when you dive into this topic fully, you understand how many fantastic alternatives there are.

So, let’s see, which sex apps some horny and thirsty for adventures girls use.

RELATED: 5 Alternative Hookup Apps to Tinder

Top sex apps: women edition

There are hundreds of applications for hookup available and it is hard to choose the only one, which is the best. Here we focus on the main three of them, which are said to be quite widespread among ladies.

women hookup apps

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This is a pure pleasure. Instasext keeps all your private data safe. And the use of it is very simple. Basically, what you have to do is enter your location, where you want to meet and who you are looking for and Instasext will match you with the best candidates for a hookup. Start off with a couple of sexy hookup phrases and see where it will go.

All images or videos that you share here remain only for one hour, so you can be sure that they won’t be used against you.


This app can be called women-oriented one because its main feature is that if you want something to happen here, a girl has to start chatting with you within 24 hours. If she doesn’t do so, the answer is understood.

Here it is easy for women to understand if they like their match and want to hook up with him, which gives them some kind of personal space and doesn’t put too much pressure. Plus, you as a man can be sure that a woman really liked you if she texted.


This one is more of a romantic and sex app at the same time. What it does are tracks where you and other users crossed paths and how many times it happened. In this way, you can find a match. It’s great for people living in big cities, as it can narrow the radius and finally match you with the guy you’ve been noticing for the past few weeks in a grocery store. Who said hooking up lacks romance?

So these are the most popular apps you can come across that women use. They make you're hooking up experience fun and exciting as well as secure. Give it a try and see what happens.

Elaine Chao

Elaine Chao is a senior writer for HookupGuru, covering the intersection of casual sex tips and tricks, intimacy, relationships and hookup dating. When it comes to finding an expert on casual sex, you can't come much closer than Elaine Chao.

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