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5 Ways of Becoming More Confident As a Man

Latest update: Apr 25, 2019
how to be confident man

Some of you may think that confidence is something that you absorb with the mother’s milk. The others believe the confidence is their wallet, bank account, and a luxurious sports car. And it is not that all of you are wrong, you are just afraid of facing the truth. Confidence is a trait or a habit (as you want) that you have to work on. The same way you work on your muscles in the gym (if you do).

How to practice your confidence to attract women? Here are some clues.

1. Fake it till you make it

It is challenging to be confident, but you won’t feel so unless you try to feel so. There’s nothing that could boost your self-esteem? Fake it! Just start believing that you can fulfill the task, that you can break up with the wrong woman you are dating, that you can take care of your life.

Obviously, you will fail all the time, just because you are a human. But if you act as though you are already a winner, you will be able to believe in yourself stronger.

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2. Learn to see opportunities

Life will challenge you all the time. It will disappoint you, knock you down, damage your self-esteem and so on.

Apparently, your confidence will tumble. But how to restore it? Simple as A-B-C-D: you have to learn how to see opportunities in all the failures.

You got fired? No problem, you will finally get the job of your dream with a higher salary. Your girlfriend cheated on you? Pf… Find the one who will cherish you and be loyal.

Just turn the positive thinking into your habit, and your confidence will come back.

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how to increase confidence

3. Be specific about your desires

Don’t waste your time on aggravating requests from your friends or relatives.

How many times have you happened to be in a situation whereby your relatives asked you to drive them to the country house every week because they didn’t want to spend money on bus tickets? Sure, it is mere politeness to assist them, but people tend to walk all over you, and you have to nip it in the bud.

To get more confident in such relationships you have to know what you want. Do you want to be somebody’s servant or do you want to spend your time more efficiently?

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4. Risk

It’s frightening, but remember: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. If you risk coming up to a woman that you like, if you dare to talk to your boss about low salary or unsatisfactory work conditions, there is a high possibility you will fail. But there is also a high possibility that you won’t. But if you just try and outperform yourself, next time you will feel less tense and what? Yes, more confident.

5. Learn from your mistakes

Was anything wrong with what you did or said today?

Probably, yes, but you might be unlikely to accept the truth. But unless you do, you won’t be more confident about your true self.

If you just blindly believe that everything that you do is right, sorry, that is not confidence but cocksureness.

Once you start analyzing your failures and learn from them, acting appropriately, then you will become confident indeed.

Elaine Chao

Elaine Chao is a senior writer for HookupGuru, covering the intersection of casual sex tips and tricks, intimacy, relationships and hookup dating. When it comes to finding an expert on casual sex, you can't come much closer than Elaine Chao.

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